Yes I've made them again :) These are interchangeable too but this time they're fabric! So here's a quick tute:
You need:
Fabric scraps
Rotary Mat & Cutter or Scissors
Sewing Machine
Suspender Clip or Fashion Fit Clip (see this post)
Really you can do these as long and wide as you want but just make sure the width works with your clip before starting. I just grabbed a ton of scraps to use so they didn't all turn out the same size. For this one, I cut two 11.5" x 1.5" strips.
Pin them right sides together and get ready to sew
Sew along both long edges and one short edge. To do this in one continuous motion, make sure you start with a long edge.
Turn fabric right side out. Its a good idea to iron flat once you do this
Now push your unfinished edges inside the open end a little bit and sew shut along edge.
Now attach the rough square of velcro to the edge and the soft square of velcro 1" away
If you have a label attach it to the other side where ever you want - I just did the middle
This is how it looks when you're done!
Okay I promise no more binkie leash tutorials since this is my 3rd!!
Linking up!