
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Birthday Banner

Hi! Remember me?!

It's been a while I know.

So here is another goodie from a while ago since I don't have anything new to share! Thanks to Darling Darleen for sharing this easy, free, personalized happy birthday banner that I've used twice already (btw you must check out her friggin sweet monster truck costumes she made for the party out of cardboard boxes). I had the first banner saved on my computer so the second time around I simply changed the font color, child's name and added "1st". I also tied on some leftover tulle that you can barely see in the pic. Here is my original document in case you don't want to bother choosing fonts and colors. Enjoy!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Arm Warmers

My boy loves to put gloves, mittens, his sister's leg warmers and everybody's socks on his hands and arms yet it never occurred to me to make him arm warmers until I saw this post by I Am Momma - Hear Me Roar.

So I bought a 3-pack of men's knee-high socks at Target for $5 and got to work.
They just look like a long-sleeved shirt underneath a t-shirt Sorry about the terrible lighting but you get the idea!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fruit Bouquet

Totally. Awesome.

Here's a fun one for ya!

Check out Incredible Edible Crafts for the simple how-to.

This cost me about $10 for all the fruit and the cookie cutters.

I'll definately be making more in the future!!