
Friday, November 5, 2010

Arm Warmers

My boy loves to put gloves, mittens, his sister's leg warmers and everybody's socks on his hands and arms yet it never occurred to me to make him arm warmers until I saw this post by I Am Momma - Hear Me Roar.

So I bought a 3-pack of men's knee-high socks at Target for $5 and got to work.
They just look like a long-sleeved shirt underneath a t-shirt Sorry about the terrible lighting but you get the idea!


  1. Great idea! I have 2 boys and this will stretch their wardrobe farther!

  2. Such a good idea!! And your little boy is adorable! :)

  3. what a cute idea!! and I know lots of boys that only like wearing t-shirts!!

    come link up on Tuesday @ ladybug blessings if you have time :)

  4. Hi!! I am your newest follower from the crafty link up! I love finding new blogs and yours is lovely:) You can find me at
    Take a peek at my giveaways if you come by. Everything is handmade and gorgeous!

    Great idea! I love it. Especially for the boys

  5. Great job. Those are darling ones and it looks like he likes them. He is SO cute! Thanks for sharing this with me!


  6. They look great! And the socks are really cool! Nice job!!!

  7. These are cute! I made some baby leg warmers w/socks for a recent craft show but all I could find are girly socks. These colors are perfect for the boys!
