
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tutorial: How To Make A Cupcake Stand (CHEAP!)

I should change my blog name to "Cheap and Easy" LOL

Made mostly with supplies I had on hand, this cost me $3.50.

Supplies needed:
1 Cardboard box
3 Soda cans (mine were unopened)
2 Posterboards
Hotglue gun and glue sticks
Mod Podge (***Optional)
Ribbon (under 12 yards)
Scrapbook scissors
Sewing machine

Cut four circles out of cardboard (make sure the smallest is big enough to hold your cake)
My circles came out to be: 6&1/4", 10", 13&1/4", 17&3/4"
Cut out and mod podge or glue your poster board to each piece
While it dries put it under something flat so it doesn't curl
***Optional: Once dry, mod podge over the top to seal it

Cut 1" strips using scrapbook scissors along bottom of strip
***Optional: Mod podge outside of strips and let dry
Hot glue the top of the back of the strips to the edge of each circle

Place soda cans between cardboard circles (use measureing tape to center them) and trace
Hot glue over traced circle and hold can on it until it sticks
Cut three rectangles to fit around soda cans (mine were 4&3/4" x 8&1/8")
***Optional: Mod podge outside of rectangles and let dry
Place rectangles around cans and tape in the back

Wrap ribbon around first tier, double its length and cut - repeat for each tier
Gather ribbon (increase seing machine's stitch length, sew and pull thread)
Hot glue it along the edge where the tier meets the strip to cover gap
To prop it up just a bit, hot glue wood blocks to the bottom

All of these supplies can be tweaked, this is just what worked for me. You can't really mess this project up. Make it your own and use whatever you have on hand. I wish I hadn't mod podged over it since it's just being tossed afterwards anyway but maybe you want to keep yours. If so I'd consider a more solid center :/
I wanted to use those mini boas around the edges instead of ribbon but those were too pricey for how much I needed. I also looked at fuzzy yarns and cording. If you omit the edges made from strips you can just use ribbon (without gathering it first) or some kind of beaded cord.
I originally started one with scrapbook paper and it was adorable but not girly enough. Plus it's a lot more cutting since the pages are too small for the bigger tiers. I used 2 coordinating papers - a different one on every other tier and the strip along each edge was also different from the paper on that tier.
Anyway I'd love to see your take on it if you do one! Happy 1st Birthday to my baby girl!